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  1. What Qualifications must I meet to enroll?

    The Antigua & Barbuda Hospitality Training Institute (ABHTI) welcomes applications from qualified students who are interested in joining the hospitality field, mature persons over 25 years seeking to add certification to experience and individuals who want a career change or just want to enter the area of hospitality.

    Mature persons over 25 years and may not have the requisite CXC’s will have to complete a proficiency test and produce two letters of recommendation – one from a current employer and the other from a past employer/supervisor.

    Also, applicants will have to complete a very rigorous interview process before he/she is accepted as a student at the ABHTI.

  2. Where is the institute located?

    The institute is located at Hospitality Drive, Dutchman’s Bay, Coolidge. (Add Google maps for directional purposes here)

  3. Is tuition assistance available?

    Prospective as well as current students who are eligible can apply to the Board of Education and the Prime Minister’s Scholarship Committee for financial assistance.

  4. What are the hours for classes?

    The first class of the day begins at 8:15 am and the last class normally ends at 9:30 pm. This, however, does not mean that all students will be at the institute for these set hours every day. Students are scheduled for classes throughout the day.

  5. Does the school provide transportation?

    No, it does not. However, there are buses that run to and from St. John’s throughout the day.